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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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Year 2

The Senses Song

Year 2 song for the Infant Music Festival

Class 2 are learning about famous people and we are finding out about Florence Nightingale.


Try looking at the PowerPoint and follow the hyperlinks to help you find out more about the 'Lady of the Lamp'.


Florence Nightingale

1st May, 2018

Dear Class 2 Parents,

Class 2 Homework Routine

We would like to thank you for your continuing support and are pleased to let you know that your children are working very hard.  We all enjoyed the Dinosaur Dome last week and we have many more interesting activities and events for them to enjoy that we have planned for the remainder of this term.  As we approach SATS, we are writing to you to explain a few changes to the Class 2 homework routine.

Reading at school

As our normal routines change a little for the next few weeks we will be relying on you to ensure that you continue to read daily with your child at home as we will be unable to do the usual guided reading we do on a weekly basis at school.  In order to help you with this we have activated plenty of books in your child’s Active Learn account, their log on details are in their Home School Diaries (although most of the children already know them).  We also have a huge range of books available at school which can be accessed freely.


We can’t stress enough how important it is for you to read regularly with your child.  We assess the children regularly as part of the evidence we have to provide in Year 2 is that children can read at least 90 words of an appropriate Year 2 level text, in a minute.  The children who are not reading at home regularly tend to struggle with this task more that those who are and they therefore also find the reading comprehension tasks more challenging to read compared to their peers.  Time spent reading with your child is definitely time well spent!


Spelling/Spelling Tests

Thank you for continuing to support your child each week with their individual spelling lists.  This week we have sent home the Year 2 list of Common Exception words and 100/200 High Frequency words and would appreciate it if you could spend some time between now and the end of this half term, helping your child look through them and remember how to spell them.


Number bonds and Multiplication Tables

We will continue to focus on number bonds and multiplication tables in lessons and children will be continue to be tested on Wednesdays.


Maths and English/Grammar Homework will continue as normal.


Finally, thank you, Class 2 children and parents, for your support and for continuing to work hard - Mrs Williams wants you to know that she is very proud of you!


Mrs Fryman, Mrs Pawson & Mrs Platt


Golf lesson- we have had so much fun learning how to play.

Animals mask

We enjoyed creating our own rhymes ... Mrs Fryman had a school ....

We celebrated St George's Day by dressing up and acting out the story of St George and the Dragon... Mrs Platt took videos of our plays and we used these to write our own St George and the Dragon stories.

Welcome back to the summer term 2018


We hope you have had a lovely Easter break and are ready for all the exciting things ahead this term.


We will be finding out all about St George and the Dragon, dinosaurs and all the topics on your summer term curriculum newsletter.

Watch out for photos and more information soon!


The Class 2 Team 




Summer Term 2018 Curriculum Newsletter

Science Topic Home Learning

Spring Term 2018

Welcome back to the Spring Term!  We would like to thank you for all your Christmas cards and gifts and wish all of you a happy year ahead.


This term we have exciting things planned ... we have our Class assembly and we will be learning about famous people, the Great Fire of London and finding out about the differences and similarities between London and Warrington.  We will also be busy with Mrs Pawson learning about animals and humans and materials. 


Please keep checking our class pages for links you can follow to find out more about our topics and what we are learning.



Curriculum Newsletter & Topic Planner for Spring 2018

Amazing assembly Class 2. Well done!

27th November


Polite reminder:

Please remember to read every day and complete your reading record. 

Try to log in to Active Learn at least once a week. no

Nativity 2017

Materials Topic Home Learning November 2017

Our work on Anti-Bullying

We've been busy looking after our bean plants

Dear Children,                                                          


Welcome to Class 2.          


I hope that you have all had a fantastic holiday and are excited about your new year at St Matthew’s.

Year 2 is going to be great – a new classroom and a new curriculum full of new things learn about and share.

I hope that you will be very happy in Year 2 and that it will be a very special time for you.



I will be teaching you every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday this year. Mrs Pawson will be teaching you every Thursday and Mrs Platt will be here to teach, help and support you every day.


Home/School Diaries.

Your parents can write messages in your Home/School Diaries in the same way as they did in Year 1. If you have a message that your parents want us to read then please leave your diary on my desk in the morning as you come in, otherwise Home/School Diaries will be checked and signed every Friday.

 You will have your own drawer in Class 2 and this is where you will put your folder every morning. Mrs Platt and I will endeavour to read with you as often as we can during the week. We will also have weekly Guided Reading sessions in addition to all the other reading tasks that take place in class. Phonic lessons will take place Monday-Thursday at 9am.


Reading Record Book.

Please ask the adult who reads with you at home to comment, record the page you have read up to and initial your Reading Record Book daily. If you finish your reading book at home, please make sure that an adult has signed your Reading Record Book so that you can change and record your new book yourself the next day. We will of course direct and support you when choosing your new book. (There is a possibility that Year 2 records could be moderated in the summer term. The Reading Record Books may be collected as part of our recording evidence so please read daily and look after your book carefully.)

Lunch and Snack money.

Snack time, lunches, playtimes etc are all the same in Year 2 as they were in Year 1. Please make sure that your snack money is kept on a labelled purses or named envelope. You can keep your purse in your drawer. If you are having a packed lunch then you keep your lunch box on the lunch box trolley in the Year 2 area.


Water Bottles.

Please make sure your water bottle is labelled. You can keep your water bottle on the lunch box trolley and you can go and have a drink at any time during the day (other than when the teacher is giving instructions for the forthcoming lesson.) You can re fill your water bottle from the water fountain outside Class R.



The Class Bears.

We have 2 very important bears in Class 2 called Rosie and Ted, they even wear the St Matthew’s uniform! They both love going on holiday and visiting new places. You will be given the opportunity to take the bears home during the year and fill their diary in if you want to. The bears are taken home on a Friday and need to be returned to school by the following Friday.



PE kits can be left in school and we will send them home during the half-term holidays.



I will be sending out a separate letter telling you about homework and  spellings next week.



I hope that you are excited about our new year together and I look forward to being your class teacher. We are going to have a great time.

If there is anything at all that you or your parents are worried about then please come and tell us straight away so that we can sort it out for you. We want you to enjoy your time in Class 2 and we are here to help you.


Mrs Williams, Mrs Pawson and Mrs Platt.

Curriculum Map Autumn 1

Using scratch to make our rockets fly

Still image for this video

Using scratch to make our rockets fly

Still image for this video