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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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Year 1

Where has the time gone, we are now in the last half-term of Year One. There are so many wonderful things we still have to learn and our topic is "Holiday". We will find out about the seaside and the animals that live there as well as learning about how to stay safe in the sun. We will use maps to locate U.K. airports as well as some well known holiday destinations. Let's hope we are good at packing a suitcase.    

Bon voyage!

Wow! I can't believe it is already Summer Term and we have got many exciting things planned. Our Topic is "On Safari" which means we will find out about Minibeasts in this country and  we will also find out information about minibeasts that live in different countries too. Please find below the complete Curriculum Newsletter for the half-term.


Curriculum Newsletter Summer Term One

Curriculum Newsletter Spring 2 2016

Welcome Back to Spring Term 2016.


I hope that you had a super Christmas and a restful New Year.  Thank-you very much for all your cards and presents. We have a very busy six weeks ahead until the half-term as our topic is Polar Adventurers. Our journey will start next week as we have a Class One Assembly  on Thursday, we hope that you will be able to join us on our chilly adventure.


Maths or English homework will continue to be given out on a Friday and is due back in the following Wednesday. Spellings are typically given out on a Monday and we carry out the quiz on a Friday. Reading books are changed according to the group your child is in, they are usually changed weekly.


As it is Winter and the weather is changeable please can the children bring a coat to school everyday. It is still important to be hydrated during school time so please could the children bring water in a labelled drinks bottle everyday.


Many thanks for your support,


Mrs Haigh and Mrs Stow

Our Class Assembly was all about Polar Adventurers ... we learnt LOTS of words and impressed our parents with our assembly!

We have been using Care Bears to help us divide


            Welcome to Class 1.

We hope you had a fantastic summer and are ready for all that lies ahead in Class One. We have a lot to learn but we will have lots of fun along the way.



Your child will be given four books per week and a reading diary to bring home which needs to be signed to confirm when the child has read. The day on which your child’s books are changed will be confirmed by the end of week two in School. Targets for each level will have been stuck in the reading record books. These will enable us to agree specific challenges for your child on each colour band and will enable you and your child to clearly see what they need to do to improve. Please make sure the reading diary and books are in your child’s bag each day. 

The children will also have lots of opportunities to read and enjoy books throughout the week at school.



Children will receive homework on Friday and should return their homework books on a Wednesday for marking. Homework will alternate between literacy and numeracy activities. Numeracy homework will include; learning number facts, practical activities to consolidate learning in the classroom or an occasional worksheet. Please feel free to comment on how your child has got on in the book. Homework is always linked to the week's work and is hugely beneficial for reinforcing learning, so thank you for supporting your child in this area too. There will also be a choice of termly project related to exploring our topic. More information is available on the Curriculum Newsletter.



Each child will be issued with ‘spellings’. These are high frequency words that children need to be able to read and spell. The words will be checked weekly and will continue to be changed when the child can spell them correctly.



Please ensure that all uniform and PE kit is clearly labelled with your child’s name so that it can be returned when lost. PE kits will be sent home at the end of each half term for washing. It would also be helpful if you could check regularly that your child’s pumps still fit as the children keep growing! Mrs Haigh’s PE days are currently Monday and Thursday.  Long hair needs to be tied back for safety reasons when using equipment.


Mrs Haigh and Mrs Nelms

Our first topic is "All about me." We will learn about our senses and all our different body parts.

For more information about the routines in Class One and our learning this term see the curriculum newsletter and welcome letter below.  



Our Class Assembly was about our bodies.
