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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

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Tuesday 7th February 2017                          Home Learning


This week, the spellings and number work is differentiated.


If you need a copy of your child's home learning for this week then please let me know.

Tuesday 31st January – Home Learning

This week our spelling pattern is the ‘wh’ grapheme.

Please practise these words for a written test next Monday (and if possible, please practise them in a different order):


  1. why
  2. where
  3. what
  4. who
  5. when
  6. which




Tuesday 24th January – Home Learning

This week our spelling pattern is the ‘ph’ grapheme. We are also continuing to use the high frequency words which year 1 children are expected to know.

Please practise these words for a written test next Monday (and if possible, please practise them in a different order):

1. dolphin

2. alphabet

3. elephant

4. trophy

5. nephew

6. little

7. his

8. has

9. with

10. them

Tuesday 17th January – Home Learning

This week our spelling pattern are the graphemes: ‘ue’ and ‘ew’

We found know that we don’t usually use ‘oo’ at the end of words, instead we use the other graphemes.

Please practise these words for a written test next Monday (and if possible, practise them in a different order):

1. glue

2. true

3. rescue

4. blue

5. clue

6. chew

7. flew

8. new

9. drew

10. grew

Tuesday 10th January – Home Learning

This week we are looking at days of the week.

Please practise these words for a written test next Monday (and if possible, practise them in a different order):


1. Monday

2. Tuesday

3. Wednesday

4. Thursday

5. Friday

6. Saturday

7. Sunday

Tuesday 6th December – Home Learning

This week our spelling pattern is the ‘ee’ grapheme.

Year 1 children also have a list of high frequency words which they are expected to know by the end of the year and which they are expected to spell correctly in class work.

Please practise these words for a written test next Monday (and if possible, practise them in a different order):

  1.      need
  2.      week
  3.      three
  4.      been
  5.      feel
  6.      were
  7.      go
  8.     come
  9.     our
  10.     put

Tuesday 29th November – Home Learning

This week our spelling pattern are the graphemes: ‘ai’ and ‘ay’.

We found that we usually find ‘ai’ graphemes in the middle of the word and ‘ay’ at the end but we know there are other graphemes too (e.g. split digraph a-e in came, name etc just to make it more confusing!).

Please practise these words for a written test next Monday (and if possible, practise them in a different order):

  1.      train
  2.      snail
  3.      rail
  4.      brain
  5.      pain
  6.      stay
  7.      way
  8.     day
  9.     pray
  10.     say

Tuesday 15th November – Home Learning

This week our spelling pattern is words that contain ‘ar’. Year 1 also have a list of common exception words which they are expected to know.

Please practise these words for a written test next Monday:

  1. car
  2. start
  3. park
  4. farm
  5. charm
  6. mark
  7. here
  8. your
  9. one
  10. ask

Tuesday 8th November – Home Learning

This week our spelling pattern is words that contain ‘ur’. Year 1 also have a list of common exception words which they are expected to know.

Please practise these words for a written test next Monday:

  1. turn
  2. burn
  3. hurt
  4. church
  5. burst
  6. Thursday
  7. friend
  8. was
  9. by
  10. my

Tuesday 1st November – Home Learning

This week our spelling pattern is words ending with ‘oo’. Year 1 also have a list of common exception words which they are expected to know.

Please practise these words for a written test next Monday:

  1. look
  2. book
  3. good
  4. food
  5. room
  6. soon
  7. school
  8. where
  9. he
  10. she

Tuesday 18th October 2016 – Home Learning

Well done Class 1! You have worked incredibly hard over the past 6 weeks learning lots of tricky spellings for our weekly spelling tests.

Instead of our usual spellings home learning, over half term we would like you to access the Active Learn website, where you have been allocated some grammar activities/games. These will really help to develop our knowledge of how to write super sentences and use capital letters correctly.

To access Active Learn, please go to:


Your log in details can be found at the front of your home/school diary including the school code, which is ‘gaas’

All the work you have done can be viewed by the class teacher, so don’t worry if you don’t write down all the times you have accessed this smiley

Finally, there are also reading books allocated on Active Learn so please do take a look at these in between changing your reading books in school!

If you have any questions or have trouble accessing this, please let me know smiley

Tuesday 11th October – Home Learning

This week our spelling pattern is words ending with ‘ck’. Year 1 also have a list of common exception words which they are expected to know.

Please practise these words for a written test next Monday:

1.    lock

2.   stick

3.   sock

4.   back

5.   truck

6.   quick

7.   they

8.   me

9.   we

10.   be

Tuesday 27th September – Home Learning

This week our spelling pattern is words ending with ‘ll’. Year 1 also have a list of common exception words which they are expected to know.

Please practise these words for a written test next Monday:

  1. Hiss
  2. Kiss
  3. Pass
  4. Class
  5. Press
  6. There
  7. Some
  8. Once
  9. You
  10. Love

Tuesday 20th September – Home Learning

This week our spelling pattern is words ending with ‘ll’. Year 1 also have a list of common exception words which they are expected to know.

Please practise these words for a written test next Monday:

  1. Tall
  2. Call
  3. Well
  4. Pull
  5. Roll
  6. Full
  7. Tell
  8. Sell
  9. Doll
  10. Yell

Tuesday 13th September – Home Learning

This week our spelling pattern is words ending with ‘ff’. Year 1 also have a list of common exception words which they are expected to know.

Please practise these words for a test next Monday:

  1. Stuff
  2. Fluff
  3. Stiff
  4. Cliff
  5. Sniff
  6. The
  7. Do
  8. To
  9. Today
  10.  Said